
  • ÖSD Prüfzentrum Deutschprüfung A1 bis B2

    ÖSD Exam Centre in Zurich

    We are the first ÖSD exam centre in the canton of Zurich! The Sprachen Akademie has some great news: since the beginning of the year, the Sprachen Akademie is officially the first ÖSD exam centre in the canton of Zurich. [...]

Common Challenges for German Learners (Part 3) – Upper and Lower Case

The importance of capital letters in German The German language is almost the only language in which nouns, names and nominalisations are capitalised. This is why capitalisation is a challenge for most German learners, and even native speakers are sometimes unsure whether a word [...]

January 15th, 2023|Categories: Common Challanges for German Learners|
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Zürich Oerlikon

Wehntalerstrasse 293, 8046 Zürich

Phone: +41 43 540 09 53

Zürich Stadelhofen

Othmarstrasse 8, 8008 Zürich

Phone: +41 43 540 09 53


Technikumstrasse 84, 8400 Winterthur

Phone: +41 43 540 09 53


Centralbahnplatz 8, 4051 Basel

Phone: +41 61 228 77 32

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